Play Flight Simulator Online
If you want to there are a few options that you have. The first is to find free games on the internet to indulge your flying passion. Otherwise you can pay for your flight sim game.
If you are planning on buying a flight simulator there are a few things you must know. I’ll get to these things in a minute. First I’ll describe where you can find the best free flight simulation game.
In my opinion, Google’s flight simulator is probably the best free game on the internet if you want to start virtual flying. Most people don’t realize that Google Earth actually has a flight simulator built into the software.
You will need to download some data before you can begin playing. Directions on exactly how you can start playing this free game can be found at the website link I provided above.
If you want to have a deeper experience with your airplane simulation you must know a few things before you spend any money. I wrote a detailed article that gives you three steps, and outlines exactly what you should look for if you want to buy a flight simulator download.
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