Flight Simulators - A Beginner's Dream or Nightmare?

Simulators have been around for a long time. Flight simulation is an artificial re-creation of aircraft flight and the surrounding environment. This includes formulas that govern how aircraft fly, how they react to the manipulation of their controls and their systems, and how they react to their external environment including but not limited to air density, turbulence, cloud cover and precipitation.

Simulation of flight is used for many reasons, especially for the training of pilots. Design and development of the aircraft, research into aircraft characteristics and control and handling qualities are also important elements of the flight simulator.

Simulators have varying degrees of hardware and software, modeling detail and realism that depend on their purpose. Simulators today can range from PC and laptop based models of aircraft systems, to simple replica cockpits, or more complex cockpit simulations with some working controls and systems, to highly detailed cockpit replications.

Home based computer flight simulators have become increasingly popular over the past few years. Today home simulators users can enjoy a realism that was just a dream ten or so years ago. And, as an added bonus, the prices have come down significantly to make them affordable to just about anyone. Today, simulators most often include airplane and helicopter software in each package.

Easy to load into your computer, you could be "flying" in a very short while! Studies have shown that people, beginners or pros, who use flight simulators fly better in the field. Beginners especially benefit from simulation. When taken to the field even after a few hours of flight simulation, they fly better and more confidently than their counterparts who did not have the benefit of the simulator practice.

Flight simulators have the added benefit of being available at any time. They are not restricted because of bad weather or darkness. They also allow you to try different aircraft of different skill levels. Thus expanding your understand of the flight characteristics of many different planes and helicopters!

As you can see, flight simulators give the beginner a tremendous advantage before they actually achieve their first field flight. And anytime you can fly safer and under control the better pilot you will eventually become.

So there it is. Flight simulators cam boost your flying skills from the comfort of your home! A tremendous advantage especially if you are a beginner. Even a seasoned pro can hone their skills with a flight simulator. The verdict is in simulators are a dream for the beginner!

The Superior Advancements of High Tech F-16 Flight Simulators

Plane fans would positively love to get hold of an fighter jet flight simulator that has almost all of the features that you are shopping for in an authentic aircraft simulator. Flight sim gamers will appreciate the real life graphics of this aircraft simulator.

These F-16 flight simulators have to use high definition graphics that simulate realistic environments since they are utilized to train real military pilots. For that reason these aircraft simulators must be visually more advanced than other flight simulator games.

These up to date instruction flight sims can produce any special weather condition which could be desired for total flyer instruction. Anyone can accomplish this by running the flight simulator program through networked computers. Not all simulators are able to work this way, so if you don't call this highly developed, then what else?

Other jet flight simulators are also equipped for the degree of complexity accomplished by the F-16 flight simulator. Not all jet simulators are created equal and come with various types of features and software packages.

Among the greatest features besides the graphics and the high end networking functionality of a simulation program or software system is its scenery. You may well take pleasure in as much graphics as you want but possessing entrance to a scenery that is accurate enough to cover what you can see up there through a world wide viewpoint, is also one of a kind.

Clearly you would like to be able to try out your expertise by using assorted aircraft at a time to prove how competent you are in flying one jet from another. Getting access to a range of military jets, helicopters and landing on diverse airport based on real places will not merely be fulfilling but an exceptional education experience for the flight simulator pilot.

This is one reason why it is critical that you gain access to the top quality software simulator that is capable of giving you the greatest experience that is similar to real-life flying. Either if the simulator is that sophisticated or not, you would definitely want to obtain a sim software that is worth the value of your money. It pays to do a little research, and with adequate information, you'll presently uncover the best simulator that fits your expectations. The flight sim enthusiast will be glad he or she took a good look at these new F-16 flight simulators with their advanced features.

For people that have played other flight simulator games, they might seem like a video game with animated features, but with the fresh enhanced graphics which you can manage, these new fighter jet simulator games are pleasurable to play and realistic enough to be a real flight simulator. You will be a fan when you have tried and combined player games can go on for hours before gamers even start to get tired.

Flight Simulator Demo

Flight simulators in today's world

Flight simulation refers to the activity where a person is flying an actual aircraft without ever leaving the ground. This is a fun, safe and exciting activity that one can perform.

How real is a flight simulator?

This all depends on the type and degree of technology which it is used for the flight simulator. It also depends on what the situation is. Let me explain further. It is very different flying a fighter plane than it is to fly a tourist plane. In the early days of flight simulation, fighter pilots used to make use of flight simulation in order to improve their accuracy when it came to aiming a machine gun at ground objects whist flying in mid air. Of course this was all done without them ever leaving the ground.

Why use a flight simulator?

If a replica model is built up carefully and accurately, then the results of careful training would be very good. Also using a flight simulator over a real life flight experience would provide a decreased cost whilst increasing the safety and security of the pilot himself. This also means that any maneuver can be performed over and over without having to risk resources and lives.

Other uses of flight simulation

The gaming industry has caught up in recent decades and over the past thirty years games have been coming up each and every year, always improving and making flight experience more realistic and closer to a real-life situation. As more years go by the experience of playing a flight simulator will become second to none because it would be better than anything else available in this regards.

What types of environments are available for flight simulation?

Basically, anything that your mind can imagine can be created using a flight simulator. Nowadays one can design cockpits, runways and terrains. These can all be customized and changed according to one's personal needs. In the case of the military and other aviation industries, the weather may also be adjusted and changed according to their needs. This means that due to such improvement in flight simulation, a real-life situation is so much closer to what one experiences during a flight simulation. This ensures that when the pilot is actually called for real flight duty, he is well aware of what to expect and knows how to deal with anything that comes up.

Flight simulation is a technology which is improving all the time, and this it will ensure that in a couple of years time most of the people would be able to say that they have experienced flying an aircraft. This will be done without them ever leaving the comfort of their own home. Who would have thought about that a hundred years ago?

Flight Simulator Planes Give You the Essence of Freedom

A wide range of flight simulator planes is a must in any decent game flight simulation. First, you want to have a list that includes not only light and heavy commercial airplanes and military jets but also other types of aircraft such as helicopters, gliders, even zeppelins and ornithopters for a bit of goofy fun.

Secondly, you want to have immediate access to a database containing the flight simulator planes, not be waiting for a CD to arrive before you can begin. So you want to find a game that allows you to download the planes directly on to your machine. The added advantage of this is that you also get direct access to any updates or upgrades in the model list when they become available.

Flight simulator planes enable you to learn how to fly your favorite planes conveniently as well as learning about their history and development. A good database gives you the freedom to try out many other models as well. Game flight simulation allows you to learn how to fly in a realistic way. You are using the same tools that trainee pilots use to learn and experienced pilots use to prepare.

More importantly, aside from being able to get access to many dozens of flight simulator planes, the game flight simulation should be able to give you a real life experience of aircraft navigation. The cockpit should be three dimensional to give you a pilot's-eye view and have a two dimensional instrument panel that is a copy-exact replica of what you find in the real plane.

All the things that make flying challenging and rewarding - body forces, drift, lag, instrument failure - are recreated. The more you overcome, the more success you have in dealing with challenges, the more satisfying and addictive flight simulation games become.

Most people start off with the Cessna when choosing flight simulator planes. This is because it is a light, fairly simple aircraft. It is a great introduction to game flight simulation. The ease with which you can take off and fly leaving the earth behind you is the essence of the freedom that makes flight simulation games so appealing and popular.

Game flight simulation takes you to a world of flying virtual reality where you experience flight simulator planes from Beechcraft to Boeing, classic to Concorde, Ospreys to ornithopters. It can be played by novices and experienced pilots alike. You can take off and land anywhere you like, select your planes from a range of different models, and fly the globe in whatever climatic conditions you choose.

There is no false drama, no made-up bad guy waiting to threaten you in some way, no artificial high jinks. Game flight simulation is the most authentic game you can buy. Flight simulator planes simulate or recreate the experience of flying. It is as realistic as stepping on a flight. This is why it is the fastest growing online game around.

What Is the Best Flight Simulator?

Want to know the best flight sim?

It is not a new finding that there are numerous flight simulator games in the market, but most of them will leave you with a fallen face and a curse on your lips. However, you can still enjoy the best flight games in the market if you are careful and analytical enough. All you need to know is what quality must a good flight game possesses. You need to get a flight simulator that does not kill your dream of becoming a pilot. Horrible flight games can do this.

Get a simulator that suits your needs. The best simulator will first of all have beautiful graphics. Some of such programs come with horrible visual abilities that do not motivate you to fly. These are graphical features that are basic for a good flight game. The graphics for your flight sim should be able to capture the real environmental features and sceneries. This adds the feel of real life into your game. Playing it can make it feel like it is real. Avoid games that make if feel like you are flying in a virtual world.

Look for a flight simulator that:

* Allows environment change without distorting its graphics
* Has clear graphics to save your eyes
* Incorporates beauty and attractiveness

The flight simulator should allow you to improve your skills and have a taste of various equipment and abilities. The flight mechanism should, for instance, be sophisticated with a variety for you to choose from. Since the PC game is supposed to keep your heart racing, and your urge demanding for more, choose the flight game that provides you with many different aircraft such as combat jets, helicopters and even passenger aircraft. It is important for the flight simulator to capture some reality for your own personal development in flight skills. For instance, the basis of the software used for controlling the equipment, and the equipment itself should capture the reality in the aviation field.

Finding the best flight simulator may mean getting the one with the greatest advantage for you over the other programs in the market. Checking some features can help you a great deal in finding the best flight software you need. Comprehensively checking the market is very helpful for you. You should be able to check whether

* The program allows for add-ons.
* It will require online support.
* It has real time appliances built in, and.
* Whether the add-ons are chargeable.

Add-ons are the updates needed to keep on improving your computer game. For the best flight software, this is provided for. Some vendors will even allow you add-ons and online support for free.

Finally, the best flight game software comes with a set of inbuilt demos and manuals. This should be able to jam-start your world of PC gaming into a whole lot of new experiences. So whatever the deal, it is important to find the best flight sims for your computer.

Flight simulation and using flight simulators has created a new world for all would be pilots in their own home.

Flight Simulation has reached a stage of such realism that it can be quite awesome!

When you have been on holiday and enjoyed the flight getting there and back, have you ever wished you were the pilot? Most people have dreams about being a pilot and flying their own plane. FLIGHT SIMULATION is a risk free way to experience the thrills of flying.

This computerised game system is so realistic, it allows anyone to sit at home and experience the feeling of sitting in an aircraft cockpit and flying a plane. So, for those of us who really want to feel they are flying, then using a FLIGHT SIMULATION system is the answer.

Flight Simulator Download

Finally I Have Found My Way To Flight Simulator Bliss - The Best Flight Simulator

How do you know when you have picked a GOOD flight simulator? Finding a good simulator is becoming harder and harder as a large number of flight simulator games have hit the market in recent years. I remember when flight simulation began and ended with Microsoft Flight Simulator '95. Today, Microsoft is still a BIG name in the flight simulator game despite their last release being a few years ago with FSX. What keeps these giants in the market are simply third-party software releases which enhance your experience in various ways. I have previously installed gigabyte after gigabyte of extra scenery, extra aircraft and various small additions to aircraft and airport realism. My main gripe with this has always been - to run this properly I'd need to spend literally thousands upgrading my computer. YouTube is a classic example of this, a brief search will yield some amazing videos of almost lifelike graphics and ultra smooth visuals; however, the hardware setup to achieve such graphics is simply out of most people's budgets.

There are a number of factors to look for in a good flight simulator:

Realistic flight model
Realistic scenery
Something that is able to be run on your home computer
Challenging - flying is always challenging so why should flight simulation be any different?

Getting a simulator with a realistic flight model is a HUGE must for most flight sim enthusiasts, the best flight simulator to date which achieves this (for me anyway) is Professional Flight Simulator. NASA flight dynamics are hard to beat and they are replicated in spades with this flight simulator, now don't get me wrong, I have purchased quite a few excellent aircraft add-ons for FSX which have a fantastic flight model, but until now have never had the pleasure of it being built into the simulator.

Realistic scenery, this is a huge bone of contention amongst many within the simulation community. How much are you willing to sacrifice for pretty visuals outside the cockpit? The sacrifice you make or at least that I have made to date is frame rates. There are some FANTASTIC additions to scenery available now and the developers have done an absolutely magic job of creating these. However, again I find myself stuck with ridiculously low frame rates, so what's the point? There is a school of thought out there that scenery really doesn't matter, as long as the aircraft behaves like the real aircraft would then graphics are just a waste of time. To some extent I agree with this, however, I can't help but be a wee bit jealous of those people who have spent thousands on a simulator setup that runs these visuals perfectly.

So this leads perfectly into finding something that runs well on your home computer, and no I don't mean something that runs on a computer that cost 6000 dollars to build. Something that runs on my machine and your machine yet gives us that elusive realism that we keep looking to achieve. Pro Flight Simulator does that thankfully, I've found that as flight sims develop the requirements for a high-end PC progressively gets stronger. Something new has happened lately, developers of ALL games have realised that to reach the full potential of their target markets, they need to create something that will run well on EVERYONE'S computer. So there is a lot more work going into simulators that whilst still look GOOD, will run on your average PC.

So let's say we have achieved all of the above, we have a flight sim that runs well with our computer hardware, and looks fantastic when we manage to drag ourselves away from those instrument panels. The last thing I want is to be challenged! Challenge in a flight simulator is the ONE thing that keeps us flying. The challenge of that ILS approach, or crosswind landing, or setting up a flight plan that WORKS from start to finish. There is an immense sense of satisfaction for me when I achieve the above, a perfectly planned flight that results in a (landing I can walk away from) and a 737 full of content passengers. After fifteen years of struggling to achieve all of the above, I think I'm finally there, I genuinely hope that you are as well.

Flight Simulators: How To Avoid The Biggest Mistakes

The early personal flight sims were marketed primarily as games: screen graphics were simple, and the demands on the low-powered computers of the time were slight. All that has changed. Now there are many fully-featured airplane simulator programs available.

The in-flight graphics of today's programs are almost astounding when compared with the first airplane simulators for personal computers. But all those graphics and quick responses to control inputs exact a toll on computer resources. Here are three critical things to check before plunking down your cash for a flight simulator.

1: Computing power. Will the simulator match your computer system's specs? Most computer games make heavy demands on the amount and speed of a computer's random access memory, or RAM, and flight simulators are no exception. Plus, many of today's flight sims require lightning fast video cards that have their own collection of memory. As you can imagine, a graphics-heavy simulation that is moving quickly across your monitor demands a lot more of a video card than does a simulation of a piece of paper in a word-processing program, or a grouping of cells on a simple spreadsheet.

Seasoned gamers tend to invest a fair amount of money in their computers, with high-end video cards, lots of RAM, hard disk drives that can read and write information rapidly, high-definition monitors, speaker systems, and much more. But even when armed with fast hardware built expressly for gaming, some flight sim aficionados have been disappointed by the slow frame rates (the speeds at which graphics are refreshed) and the load times for the latest versions of Flight Simulator and other popular programs.

Before you buy a flight sim package, make sure you carefully investigate the requirements for the software. A flight simulator that advances in uneven jumps, or just freezes when too many demands are made on the computer's processor chip or video card RAM, can be a discouraging flight sim event.

2: Expandability. Is the simulator expandable for external controls? Just about any flight simulator on the market today comes ready-to-fly out of the box using a system of keyboard controls. For example, the up arrow pulls the nose of the aircraft up; pushing the down arrow reverses the yoke pressure. But, of course, pilots don't control airplanes with computer keyboards.

If you become a flight simulator enthusiast, you're going to want to control the simulator with more realistic inputs. Make sure that the flight sim you're considering will accommodate a number of control inputs, such as joysticks, yokes, throttle controls, and rudder pedals. Many of the controls marketed today come with USB inputs, but some flight simulators can still provide a struggle for configuring a specific control device. Check to see if the manufacturer recommends a certain brand or model of control input before you buy the software.

3: Regular software updates. Are updates available for the software? Make sure that you're not purchasing a flight simulator package that has been dropped by the software manufacturer. There should be updates of new scenery packages, additional, and other features such as air traffic control voicing and weather phenomena. For example, airplane simulator enthusiasts have been waiting for the next release of Microsoft Flight Simulator for more than four years. And that release may be a long time coming, because Microsoft did away with the product's development team in 2009. If you experience problems with a flight simulator package that turns out to be orphaned, you may not have any support group to turn to.

An airplane simulator can be a good source of flying knowledge. Flight simulators can provide hours of fun, learning to fly your own aircraft from the comfort of your own home. Investigate the various packages available, compare the features of realism, and benefits such as being able to load the program on more than one computer, and definitely check the technical requirements.

With the right flight sim software that matches your computer's performance, you'll be off the runway and bound for the wild blue yonder, and at a much lower cost than even a single hour in a real training airplane.

Real Flight Simulator - Just A Game Or A Serious Learning Tool?

For a significant segment of the flight simulator user population, the use of a real flight simulator is strictly for entertainment purposes. For them, you "play" a simulator as you would play any other video game. But for active members of the aviation community, the use of flight simulation software is more than just a video game. It is a learning tool. It is a tool to help them learning how to fly, learn to improve or refine their existing skills, to maintain their proficiency as pilots, or to help them take their aviation skills to the next level.

In the early days of computers, flight simulators were rudimentary programs, which at best were able to simulate the basic fundamentals of flight aerodynamics and instrumentation. But as software technology has evolved, so has the technology that drives the development of flight simulation software. Faster microprocessors, more sophisticated graphics cards, the use of USB flight controls that simulate the yoke, instrument panel, and rudder pedals, and the ability to download real-time weather and airport data from the Internet into the simulator database, have all contributed to the evolution of real flight simulator technology, making the experience all the more realistic.

In fact, some flight simulation software programs are so true to life in their depiction of the actual air craft piloting experience that the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has even approved the use of certain simulator programs to earn credit toward the pursuit of an actual pilot's license and other advanced pilot ratings. This works to the student pilot's advantage in a number of ways:

Practicing flight maneuvers in a simulator is a lot less expensive than actually renting an aircraft to fly. Once you buy the simulator software, it is yours to use over and over again, an unlimited number of times. You don't have to pay for the consumption of fuel. You don't have to pay any aircraft rental fees. If you are going to be using the simulator alone, you don't even need to pay for an instructor to sit alongside you.
Practicing flight maneuvers in a simulator saves you a considerable amount of time, since you don't have to wait for the weather to cooperate, for an airplane and an instructor to become available, and you don't have to use up time preflighting the air craft. In fact, if you are looking to practice only certain maneuvers, then you can even program a simulator to start your session in mid-flight, rather than by taking off from the ground, thus saving you several minutes. Plus you can always pause, rewind, and replay a flight, for later study and review.

You can spend more time practicing maneuvers and reviewing certain concepts over and over again in your spare time, above and beyond the time spent in the actual cockpit of a real airplane. If you only fly once or twice a week in a real aircraft, for example, then you can get even more practice and become even more proficient, by practicing with a simulator program during your spare time in between actual flights.
You never have to worry about getting out of practice due to downtime in between flights due to the weather, due to scheduling conflicts, due to lack of fitness for flight, or due to budgetary constraints, or any other reason that might keep you from being able to actually going flying.
In fact, many pilots can attest to the fact that controlling a flight simulator is identical to piloting a real air craft. So, while for some people, a simulator is just a game, for many others, it serves as an actual learning tool to help you become a proficient pilot.

Flight Simulator Google Earth Vs Pro Flight Simulator

A virtual program that simulates the experience of flying an aircraft in a really realistic manner is referred to as a flight simulator. This program is controlled by really sophisticated personal computer technology and may be played from your really own personal computer.

The factors for making use of a flight simulator are varied, from straightforward gaming enjoyment to acquiring the ultimate flying experience. Inside the aviation industry, flight simulations are conducted to train pilots and flight crew or to aid inside the design and development of both civil and military aircraft.

Simulators are also employed for the development and testing of flight hardware and software too as aircraft systems. Now, let's take a take a look at two flight simulation systems to see which 1 works very best for your purposes.Several folks know that Google has often wanted to challenge the dominance of Microsoft in numerous areas of personal computer technology, but did you know that this challenge has extended to the world of gaming and flight simulation?

If you are familiar with Google Earth, then it would please you to know that hidden inside this application can be a flight simulator that takes advantage of Google Earth's extensive satellite imagery. It really is straightforward enough to access the hidden flight simulator Google Earth has to supply. Just hit Command Option A (Ctrl Alt A for those making use of a Windows machine) and you'll instantly open up a virtual world of flight.The flight simulator Google Earth comes with gives you two types of aircraft to fly - the F16 Viper as well as the a lot more manageable SR22 4-seater plane. You will have the alternative of commencing your flight from your present Google Earth location or from any other location of your selection.

This simulator is fairly straightforward where flight control is concerned, but it's very best feature is that it enables you to fly over real images of your chosen locations. In terms of real object presentation, it really is even far better than a number of the most common paid flight simulators currently accessible. Aside from the flight simulator Google Earth has to supply, you may also need to give the ProFlight simulator a try. This simulator lets you pick from over 120 aircraft alternatives and a lot more than 20,000 airports from around the globe. You'll be able to fly the original contraption flown by the Wright Brothers themselves or pick the a lot more modern military fighter planes.

What's even far better is that the cockpit of every aircraft you pick is designed based on the actual cockpit of the real aircraft. Even the airports are all reality-based, which means that you get the correct runway markings and placement too as accurate runway and approach lighting.

Yet another feature that makes this simulator a significantly far better alternative for flight enthusiasts and gamers alike is the realistically modeled instrument behaviour. This means that should you pick to fly an aircraft that experiences lag in reality, then you'll be able to anticipate to experience the same lag within your virtual flight. Even instrument and system failures are recreated accurately in this flight sim program, such that if the vacuum system fails within your virtual flight, the HSI gyros will spin down slowly and there will likely be a corresponding response degradation. In short, the ProFlight simulator gives you with a fully 3D, fully animated, and fully interactive cockpit.

Flight Simulation - Is It For You?

What is flight simulation? It is reproducing the experience of flying an aeroplane artificially - usually on your computer. The best simulators fly like the real thing, react like the real thing and meet situations like the real thing.

Flight simulation is used for a variety of reasons, including flight training (mainly of pilots), for the design and development of the aircraft itself, and for research into aircraft characteristics, control handling qualities, and so forth.

Dependent on their ultimate use, flight sims vary in design and complexity. Some can be run on a PC, others are used in carefully constructed cockpit reconstructions. In fact they are now considered part and parcel of pilot training facilities.

This article will purely deal with computer-based systems for leisure use.

A newbies guide to flight simulation software.

Want to understand what it's like to be a pilot? Then use PC-based simulation software - but have a lot of fun too into the bargain. Then you will really understand what it means to be a pilot!

Once upon a time you experienced such simulation in 2-dimensional, monochromed, limited radius situations. Today the situation is entirely different with an amazing variation of scenarios and conditions - almost as good as real life!

How realistic are current flight simulators?

In short - very realistic - given the constraints of sitting in a room with a computer in front of you!

A real-world pilot can now practise a simulated flight he's planning to make in the real world using accurate representations of departure and destination airports, flying over scenery that is developed from actual photographs of what's on the ground, navigating with navigation aids in their real-world positions, and flying in real-time weather conditions which are applicable to the flight route. Indeed, many pilots do just this.

As an indication of the realism, it must be said that not only are many pilots now involved in flight simulation development, it's also true that a lot of aircraft captains themselves testify to the uncanny resemblance some of them bear to their real-life experiences.

Want to have the experience of flying a plane without the cost (or the risk)? Then flight simulation is for you! In flight simulation the real-world environment is reproduced on your computer. You meet real-world situations (including emergencies), you meet real-world weather conditions, and you almost feel you are flying a plane in the real-world.

Flight simulation is used for a variety of reasons, including flight training (mainly of pilots), for the design and development of the aircraft itself, and for research into aircraft characteristics, control handling qualities, and so forth.

Flight simulators come in various "flavors" and degrees of complexity depending on their ultimate use. They can be run on your computer, or in a realistic 'mock up' of a real cockpit. In this article we are going to focus on PC based systems used mainly for amusement.

A beginner's guide to flight simulation on your PC

Flying on your home computer using flight simulation (FS) software is accessible, rewarding, great fun and can substantially improve your understanding of real-world aviation.

Once upon a time you experienced flight simulation in 2-dimensional, monochromed, limited radius situations. Today the situation is entirely different with an amazing variation of scenarios and conditions - almost as good as real life!

Are flight simulators realistic?

In short - very realistic - given the constraints of sitting in a room with a computer in front of you!

A real-world pilot can now practise a simulated flight he's planning to make in the real world using accurate representations of departure and destination airports, flying over scenery that is developed from actual photographs of what's on the ground, navigating with navigation aids in their real-world positions, and flying in real-time weather conditions which are applicable to the flight route. Indeed, many pilots do just this.

As an indication of the realism, it must be said that not only are many pilots now involved in flight simulation development, it's also true that a lot of aircraft captains themselves testify to the uncanny resemblance some of them bear to their real-life experiences.

Microsoft Flight Simulator 11 Vs Pro Flight Simulator

Ever since it was first invented several decades ago, people have always found aircraft very fascinating. That fact hasn't changed even in today's high-tech modern society. And even when flights have become a common occurrence, people still dream of getting the chance to fly an aircraft, be it a plane, a helicopter, or even a glider. Unfortunately, not everyone is capable of turning this dream into reality. Flight lessons can be too expensive for some and too dangerous for others.

If you are one of the unfortunate individuals who dreams of piloting an aircraft, but just cant afford to do so, then here's good news for you: You can still fulfill your dream with the use of a flight simulator. Flight simulation games have grown in popularity over the years primarily because they were designed to reflect the functions and overall experience of real flight. This is probably why people from all age groups and various walks of life have welcomed this technological breakthrough.

Of course, you'll have to choose your simulator carefully to make sure that you get the ultimate virtual flight experience. You would do well to choose a simulator with developers that take even the smallest details into account so that the game is as realistic as possible and helps you understand the mechanisms of aircraft operation just as an actual flight lesson can. Your simulator should also allow you to fly in different weather conditions so as to make your virtual flight as challenging as the real thing.

One such flight simulator that may address your flight needs is the Pro Flight Simulator. It offers over a hundred different types of aircraft for you to master and over 20,000 airports for you to fly to and from. With reality-based cockpits and controls, changeable weather, military-based scenery, NASA flight models, and a lifetime of free upgrades, this could truly be the simulation game that flight enthusiasts have long been waiting for. Perhaps the best thing about this simulator is that it gives you complete control over your flight for a truly realistic flying experience.

Now, just a little over a year after shutting down their flight sim games in 2009, Microsoft is once again set to challenge the dominance of Pro Flight in the world of flight simulation. It is said that a new game called Microsoft Flight Simulator 11, or simply Microsoft Flight, will be taking off this year. Microsoft has released a teaser trailer depicting a single-engine plane flying over a very realistic-looking ocean.

Will Microsoft Flight Simulator 11 succeed in becoming the best in the field of flight simulation games? Until now, that question is still left unanswered. For now, gamers and flight enthusiasts would do well to take advantage of what Pro Flight has to offer. And for as long as Pro Flight continues to deliver an amazingly realistic flight experience and the new Microsoft Flight remains as a mere teaser trailer, Pro Flight will continue to reign as the best flight simulator of all time.

Google Flight Simulator Vs Pro Flight Simulator

In recent years, these free flight simulators have even been significantly improved to rank equally with their commercial counterparts in terms of graphic design and features. One such online simulator that has caught the attention of many flight enthusiasts is the Google flight sim. This application is actually one of the surprises that you can find in the version 4.2 of Google Earth. Lets take a closer look at this simulation tool to see how it measures up to commercial simulators.

In terms of aircraft selection, the Google flight simulator leaves much to be desired, as it only allows you to choose between two planes: an F16 fighter jet and an SR22 propeller airplane. This selection definitely pales in comparison to the hundreds of aircraft options in commercial simulators such as the Pro Flight Simulator. Pro Flight even lets you fly several helicopter and glider models, in addition to over a hundred different types of plane.

In terms of selecting your starting position, the Google simulator gives you three options: First is to start in your current view of Google Earth, which means that you are automatically in the air. The second option is to choose from 27 available airports. Third, you can start from the point where you ended your previous session. In contrast, the Pro Flight simulator lets you choose from over 20,000 airports located in any country all over the world.

All in all, the Google flight simulator is a relatively simple tool as compared to its commercial counterparts. What makes it stand out is the experience you get of flying over real pictures of your chosen locations. While the pictures and graphics may be far from perfect, they are definitely as visually good as those of commercial simulators. In fact, the Google flight simulator even presents real objects better than most commercial flight simulation software in the market.

Outstanding graphics and real pictures notwithstanding, the Google flight simulator still cant really measure up to commercial standards, especially when compared to the Pro Flight software. Pro Flight also offers very realistic graphics and terrain based on US military mapping. In fact, everything you see in Pro Flight, from the cockpit controls to aircraft reactions to planetary alignment and movements is based on actual and current world data. There both good but Pro Flight tops it for accuracy and controls.

When you fly with the Pro Flight simulator, you will be able to take advantage of real-time synchronization. This feature lets you fly in exactly the same situation as when you are flying in real life. For example, if its a rainy afternoon in Sydney right now, then you will be flying in a rainy afternoon if you locate yourself in Sydney for your virtual flight. So, while its okay to practice on a free online simulator, its still better to get a commercial simulator such as Pro Flight for the ultimate virtual flying experience.